2024 第一屆 FJM Reflexology國際雙年會
「吳若石神父反射健康法於後疫情時代的自癒- AI世代的社會、家庭照顧及多元就業促進」研討會
2024 FJM Reflexology International Biennial Conference
Post-pandemic Reflexology self-healing in the era of AI technology
-Promoting social, family care, and diverse employment opportunities
會議簡介 About Conference
吳若石神父反射健康法(Father Josef’s Method of Reflexology,FJM Refelxology )經由吳若石神父帶領同心合意的夥伴持續研究發展,從西元1998年起,以臺灣為發展核心與國際反射學學會並與各國天主教體系合作,布建全球服務團隊及網絡,特別2014年社團法人吳若石神父全人發展協會成立後,更重視國際事務推展,現包括中國、瑞士、德國、澳洲、美國、加拿大、玻利維亞、馬來西亞、澳門及印度、非洲等地,均培植工作團隊。
這次除邀請臺灣在地研究核心團隊胡齊望、林素妃、王雅慧等人發表FJM最新成果外,特別邀請國際反射學專家Lorraine Senior、Christine Issel親身來臺辦理工作坊,分享反射學在疫情時代對於社會與家庭照顧,並有中國大陸專業團隊分享當地流行病與FJM對應研究,精彩可期,歡迎大家踴躍參加,共同交流學術知識。
Father Josef’s Method of Reflexology (FJM Reflexology), led by Father Josef Wu and a group of dedicated partners, has been continuously researched and developed since 1998. With Taiwan as its core development base and in collaboration with international reflexology associations and various Catholic systems worldwide, a global service team and network have been established. Particularly after establishing the Father Josef Eugster H.D Association for Holistic Development in 2014, emphasis has been placed on international affairs promotion. Highly qualified and supportive workforces have been nurtured in various countries including Africa, Australia, Bolivia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Macau, Malaysia, Switzerland, and the United States.
From its initial service establishment to the present FJM has accumulated significant research results, primarily presented at the International Council of Reflexologists (ICR). However, with the rapid increase in the number of professional personnel in the Chinese-speaking regions, and Taiwan serving as the core for research and development, a plan has been made to hold an international symposium at Parkview Hotel in Hualien, Taiwan, from September 25-27, 2024. Reflexology experts from around the world and Catholic groups are invited to exchange ideas, also showcase Taiwan’s FJM research capabilities, and discuss future development trends. It aims to establish an important platform for research presentations, demonstrating the diverse employment opportunities provided by FJM. In the future, collaboration with the healthcare and welfare systems will be strengthened to enhance research together.
In addition to inviting the core members of the researchers based in Taiwan, Hu Chi-Wang, Sophie Lin, and Wang Ya-Hui to present the latest FJM findings, we have specially invited international reflexology experts Lorraine Senior and Christine Issel to come to Taiwan to conduct workshops. They will share insights on reflexology’s role in social and family care during the pandemic era. Furthermore, a professional team from mainland China will share their research on local epidemics and their correlation with FJM. It promises to be an exciting event, and we welcome everyone to participate and engage in academic knowledge exchange.
議程 Agenda

參訪 Visit
September 24, 2024 (Tuesday)

報名截止日 The deadline for registration:
2024.09.05 September 5, 2024
發表名單 Presentation List

胡齊望 Chi-Wang Hu
Graduate School of Education, Teachers College, Taitung University. Chi-Wang has worked as a high school teacher and university lecturer. He is currently the Executive Director and Chief Instructor of the Father Josef Eugster Holistic Development Association. In addition to developing the FJM training curriculum and courses, he has helped develop a global assessment and testing system for FJM Reflexology, and assisted in the establishment of the FJM International Institute, FJM Certification and Training Center.
Lead the FJM empirical work team:
The FJM team is supported by university medical schools, hospitals, and government agencies to collaborate on empirical research in the hope of providing more effective and holistic healthcare functions. This work must be ongoing, as Reflexology’s contribution to humanity has not yet been fully revealed.
He is also the author of several important books on Reflexology, including “Holistic Nursing” (joint authors with Shwu-Feng Tsay, published by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan).

林素妃 Sophie Lin
1996年起,她與吳若石神父共事,並從2014年起創立社團法人吳若石神父全人發展協會擔任秘書長至今,致力於建構全球各地專業團隊、證照認證及繼續教育等制度,且賡續更新出版品。她以臺灣為全球核心,1998年起向外推展至中國、瑞士、德國、美國、加拿大、玻利維亞及非洲進行合作及培訓FJM專業人力,2023年底並陸續建立馬來西亞及印度等國團隊培植FJM服務團隊網絡。除建構制度及培植專業團隊,Sophie Lin長期致力向政府倡議反射療法為獨立職類,非與按摩職類隸屬;另,她與臺灣各大學醫學院、醫院進行實證研究,期待獲得更有效及完整的資訊,藉由FJM對全球社會、家庭照顧提供進一步貢獻。
Since 1996, Sophie Lin has collaborated with Father Josef Eugster, and since 2014, she has served as Secretary-General of the Father Josef Eugster Holistic Development Association, focusing on establishing professional teams worldwide, certification systems, continuing education, and ongoing publication updates in Reflexology. Taiwan serves as the global core, with expansions initiated in 1998 to China, Switzerland, Germany, the United States, Canada, Bolivia, and Africa for collaborative Reflexology professional training. By late 2023, teams were progressively established in Malaysia and India, cultivating the Reflexology service network. Apart from system establishment and team development, Sophie Lin has long advocated for Reflexology as an independent profession separate from massage therapy. She collaborates with major medical schools and hospitals in Taiwan on empirical research to acquire more effective and comprehensive information, aiming to further contribute to global societal and family care through Reflexology.

Christine Issel
Christine holds a Master’s Degree in Humanities. Christine is the author of Reflexology: Art, Science, & History, Eunice Ingham a Biography—Her Life and Legacy, of Reflexology, and with Dr. Sandi Rogers, Ed., of Australia Reflexology A Shift in Paradigm. She is also the publisher of Eunice Ingham’s last book, The Stories the Feet Are Telling. She has founded associations in the USA and internationally, contributed to their newsletter and organized conferences for them. She is cofounder of the American Reflexology Certification Board, the national independent examination body. Christine, as a legislative consultant, working with reflexologists in a number of states, has managed to obtain 33 exemptions from state massage laws and contributed to the current five states reflexology laws. With her extensive background in reflexology she consults and lectures on all aspects of reflexology, a discipline she is passionate about.

Lorraine Senior B. Ed
功能反射療法(Functional Reflex Therapy, FRT)創始人,為知名英國反射療法專家及具20餘年經驗之合格教師。依其豐富教學與反射療法經驗,她結合自閉症患者、特殊教育及複雜健康需求,並整合各種技術,研發出「功能反射療法」架構與工具包。她在英國許多學校、社區及家庭場域,提供許多培訓課程與資訊,藉由「功能反射療法」協助英國社會及許多家庭的各類需求者,從照顧者、家長、兒童,到具有學習或溝通困難者,以及特殊學校學生,在在獲得Lorraine的專業助益。
Lorraine Senior B.Ed (Hons)
Founder of Functional Reflex Therapy (FRT) Lorraine Senior is a qualified teacher, with over 20 years of experience working within the education system and a qualified UK based reflexologist.
Bringing together her vast teaching and reflexology experience working with both children and adults with autism, autistic spectrum disorders, special education and additional needs and complex health needs, Lorraine has adapted and combined techniques to develop the ‘framework’ of Functional Reflex Therapy. This is supported with the use of the FRT tool kit’for preparation and communication.
Lorraine continues to run a successful private mobile practice in Essex visiting a variety of settings. She provides weekly relaxation reflexology sessions for adults with learning difficulties and communication issues and reflexology as a timetabled therapy in a special school where Lorraine is a valued member of the multidisciplinary team.
As an experienced tutor and founder of FRT, Lorraine feels very privileged to travel the UK to provide support and CPD training for qualified reflexologists. She delivers in-house training in schools and to professionals looking to introduce the Functional Reflex Therapy Rainbow Relaxation Routine into their professional environment. She provides informative, fun, practical workshops for family support to parents, carers, older siblings and guardians, to prepare them to use the rainbow relaxation routine in the comfort of their own home.

畢業於日本Jobu University資訊工程研究所,長年投入科技產業進行軟體工程及光學材料技術研發。自2020年接觸FJM,2021年正式加入FJM臺灣服務團隊,因其手法細膩、勇於嘗試及廣納醫學專業知能等特質,多有重大疾病患者向其求助。現為團隊專任講師之一,並將其專注系統研發特質及能力發揮於足部反應物變化研究,除以模型呈現反應物類型、樣貌及觸感,刻正朝病理反應現象深化研究。
Graduated from the Jobu University in Japan with a degree in Information Engineering. He has been engaged in the technology industry for years, focusing on software engineering and optical material technology development. He encountered FJM in 2020 and officially joined the FJM Taiwan service team in 2021. Known for his meticulous techniques, willingness to experiment, and incorporation of medical knowledge, he has helped many patients with serious illnesses. Currently, he is one of the dedicated instructors on the team. He utilizes his expertise in systematic development to research changes in foot reaction substances. He models these substances to present their types, appearances, and textures, and is currently advancing his research into pathological reaction phenomena.

英國華威大學(Warwick University)文化研究碩士
英國伯明罕(Birmingham Conservatoire)音樂院碩士

In 2024, he received the “Silver Award for Outstanding Contribution,” known as the “Nightingale Award” in the nursing community, from Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare. He advocates for incorporating evidence-based research into clinical nursing practice to improve preventive care and patient treatment quality, actively passing on his nursing care experience. He specializes in critical care, medical-surgical nursing, nursing research, and evidence-based medicine.

交通及住宿 Touristic Information
Accommodation information
Parkview Hotels & Resorts
雙人房 ( 一大床 / 兩小床)
・ Special Offer Price:For discounted rates, please see the registration form.
Double Room (One Queen Bed / Two Single Beds)
・ADDRESS :970 Hualien City Forest Park 1-1 Taiwan
・PHONE: +886-3-822-2111
We provide a 3-night reservation service for the FJM biennial meeting at Meilun Hotel from September 24th to September 27th. If you have any other accommodation needs, please contact the hotel.

Fly to Hualien Airport by daily flights from Taipei and Kaohsiung.
By train
The journey by Taiwan Rail train from Taipei to Hualien takes approximately 2 hours; from Kaohsiung, the journey takes around 4.5 hours
Drive to the Parkview Hotel.
◆From Taipei:
(1)Taipei-Ilan Freeway: through Hsuehshan Tunnel to Suao
(2)North Coastal Highway to Suao
(3)Taipei-Ilan Highway to Suao→The Suhua Highway(Provincial Highway 9)→Hualien
◆From Kaohsiung:
Kaohsiung→Fengkang→Provincial Highway 9→Taitung→Hualien